But, holidays 2010 were also pretty amazing. MDB really "got it" this year. He was able to express the gifts he really wanted and it was fun to see his face when his wish came true. And, thanks to him, we are now the very proud owners of every single Thomas train and Cars movie car!
And, what did the hubs and I get for our trouble? Yep, we are now the proud owners of a VERY LARGE train table...which now serves as our very formal and completely non-functional coffee table! Next year, I am asking Santa for a playroom!
So, what will 2011 bring? I'm not a big New Year resolution person...for some reason, they never seem to stick. And, my resolution has been the same since my teen years -- lose weight, get in shape. Whatever.
So, instead, here's what I am hoping my blog post in January 2012 looks like:
Wow, I can't believe how calm, patient and less anxious I was in 2011. I'm so proud that I accomplished my goal of making subtle and meaningful changes in my life to be a better wife, mom, family member and friend. I spent more time with my niece and nephews, even when planning was difficult and I made sure my friends and family know how much I care about them, deeply, more often. And, I never let a day go by when I didn't remind AMB how much I adore and love him!
This year, I watched with joy as my wonderful children turned 4 and 2. I'm eternally grateful that I spent more time living in the moment with them, knowing how quickly time passes. I'm so proud of the amazing human beings I'm helping to raise and continue to love them more and more every single day.
In 2011, I helped dozens of women realize their true birth experience and even helped some accomplish their goal of having a drug-free birth. And, I got to witness the most amazing miracle -- my new baby niece enter this world! I can't thank her parents enough for letting me be a part of their momentous occasion.
Professionally, I'm so proud that I lived up to my new title as VP and continue to love my job as much as I always have!
I couldn't be happier with the decision the hubby and I made of where to live! I knew we would make the right decision, the one best for our family.
I loved being a part of D & L's beautiful wedding, helped celebrate AMBs 35th birthday to make up for my supposed lackluster effort for 30, laughed a lot, spent more time in the 'burbs, had some amazing, life-changing vacations, blogged more, worried less, held my friends' new babies, read more and made sure to see my friends as much as possible!
Oh, and how could I forget, I did it...I am officially in shape and healthy. I worked out when I didn't want to and made choices that better reflect a mom teaching her children a healthy lifestyle!
Here's to you 2011...I love new beginnings!
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